
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pilot And Flight Attendant Lose Jobs After X-Rated Photos

Cathay Pacific Airways is assuring its customers that two crew members who were photographed in "compromising" - situation weren't photographed that way while they were in flight.The airline went so far as to get rid of the employees in question.

This statement was issued yesterday by Cathay Pacific chief executive officer John Slosar:

“I can confirm that two members of our crew shown in compromising situations in photographs published recently in Chinese-language daily newspapers are no longer employees of the company.

"I can also report that we have found no evidence to suggest that the incidents happened on any of our flights while airborne.

"We will now produce a report of our findings and pass it to our regulator, the Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department. We will continue to co-operate with the CAD as required.

"I know that many people were disturbed by the damage this incident caused to the reputation of our cockpit and cabin crews, all of them serious safety and service professionals, and to the airline itself."

The two members of the flight crew involved are believed to be a pilot and a flight attendant. Privacy laws prohibit the airline from releasing certain details, despite the fact that, according to Mr. Slosar, "I appreciate that some people wish to know more details of our findings." Yeah, I'll bet they do.

Source: The Globe and Mail Inc

The AirplaneNut